Cosmetic Dentistry
Dr John Barton and associates dedicate themselves professionally to gently providing the best aesthetic solutions for each patients’ individual dental problems, and are able to:
- From abrasion cavities to chipped front teeth we can virtually invisibly restore most teeth – nowadays the advanced dental materials we select to use have light dispersion values nearly identical to human enamel this makes them very difficult to detect aesthetically when placed in teeth.
- Whiten teeth, and restore the colour and chroma the teeth had when you were just out of high school we call this an A1/B1 result.
- We have been practising minimally invasive dentistry for long before it became a dental buzzword AND we always go the extra mile to save teeth.
- All our veneers, crown and bridgework are produced by the quality assured dental laboratories in Milan with whom we have an excellent work experience and relationship.
- We believe it is very important to provide Smile Maintenance for our patients and Dana our gentle dental hygienist administers the programme for the studio.
- Nitrous Oxide Sedation (happy gas) is always available to eliminate the stresses of treatment and is ideal for anxious patients.